The attorneys at Keilty Bonadio have experience handling cases concerning inadequate healthcare for incarcerated individuals, but other civil rights claims can include violations of constitutional rights arising out of police brutality and/or wrongful convictions.
Inadequate healthcare
The correctional system typically (but not always) will contract healthcare services to a third-party organization. These organizations often bid to earn contracts that will make them responsible for providing healthcare and mental health treatment to inmates and detainees at a particular facility. Unfortunately, there is often deficient training and hiring which leads to constitutionally deficient care for those incarcerated. We have handled cases primarily concerning mental health treatment in the correctional system (read about two most recently, here).
Policy brutality
Police brutality has been center in the media recently with the arrest and death of individuals like George Floyd. Our police have an extremely difficult task of dealing with complex and tense situations, but they still have an obligation to follow policies and rules that ensure the safety of citizens.
Wrongful convictions
One of the biggest tragedies in our justice system is the incarceration of innocent individuals. It happens more than we like to accept and it is an unfortunate reality. In Maryland, there is now an administrative process by which individuals who were wrongfully incarcerated can obtain some sort of compensation. Thanks to the Walter Lomax Act of 2021, there is now a standardized formula. While this will never give someone back their time lost, it can help them move forward. A third individual in Maryland was just recently awarded under the act, read about it here.
If you would like more information about inadequate healthcare cases, call us today at 410-469-9953 or simply fill out our online contact form to schedule a FREE Consultation to learn how we can help you.